
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Welcome to Abessive. Abessive is a word in English relating to grammar and has foundations in the Latin Abesse meaning to be away/absent. I chose this name because this theme is (almost) absent of images. The only image is uses is the core/default images for bullet points.

The theme automatically adjusts to be 1, 2 or 3 columns, depending on if any blocks are visible in those columns, and has CSS rounded corners. By this I mean each "block" (be it header, footer, content or an actual block) has all 4 corners rounded using a CSS trick which works in all browsers.

Abessive is floating width and each "block" has a slight gradient at the top and bottom with the rounded corners.

The theme has been tested on Firefox 2 and 3, IE 7, Opera 9, Chrome and Safari 3 and works perfectly (as far as I know) in all of them.
This theme MOSTLY works in IE6. There is one bugs I am unable to fix (The left column keeps moving randomly for some reason).

The theme also passes XHTML 1.0 Strict on the W3 Validator.


I've just committed the 1.4 release of Abessive for Drupal 6. In this release you can now customize the general look and feel of the site. You can control:

  • Body Background Colour
  • Block Contents Background Colour
  • Border Colour
  • Text Colour
  • Hyperlink colour (link and hover separately)
  • Sidebar widths (left AND right)

The settings which relate to colour change also hook up with Drupal's built in Farbtastic widget. This is the same colour picker that Garland uses so it is VERY easy for site administrators to change the look and feel of the site without knowing anything about hexadecimal colours!

Finally, the generated CSS gets cached for performance, so once the system has generated the new CSS rules you have next to no performance hit on the site.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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