A Drupal 9 theme with all the bells & whistles, without the fluff. We've kept the codebase as slim as possible to help you get your website up and running as quickly as possible. This theme has been developed by Xequals for the Drupal community.
- Mobile first responsive
- Simple css framework out of the box
- Component based design
- Preconfigured Sass files with base styles you can easily adapt to your grid, typography and colour scheme
- Gulp Sass compiler preconfigured, but you can easily use any other sass compiler
- Default styles for Views including 2, 3, and 4 column responsive layouts
- Responsive Display Suite layouts
- Enable Bones theme
- Make a sub-theme from the starterkit folder
- Enable the new sub-theme and set it as the default theme
Compiling Sass using Gulp (Mac OSX)
Bones uses Gulp to compile sass, but you can use whatever preprocessor you like. To run Gulp you must have the required node packages installed globally, then you can link them to your theme rather than installing them each time. Bones uses the following packages:
- Gulp
- Gulp-sass
- Gulp-sourcemaps
- Gulp-autoprefixer
- Node-sass-globbing
- Gulp-plumber
- Gulp-cssmin
- Browser-sync
- Breakpoint-sass
- Compass-mixins
To setup a new theme to run Gulp:
- Open terminal
- cd to the theme directory
- Run "npm link [package1] [package2] [etc...]" to install the necessary packages:
npm link gulp gulp-sass gulp-sourcemaps gulp-autoprefixer node-sass-globbing gulp-plumber gulp-cssmin browser-sync breakpoint-sass compass-mixins
- Open the gulpfile.js and update the Browser-sync proxy location to your local development address
- Open the scss files and make your changes
- Run "gulp"
- Browser sync should automatically open a new browser tab.
- Flush the cache and the new changes should appear automatically after each .scss file save in the browser-sync tab.