
Brooklyn is a zen sub-theme designed specifically for blogging, but useful for various types of sites. It has a fixed width, 2 column, centred layout.

It requires the zen theme to function, and it's strongly recommended to have the following:

Imagefield module enabled, with a field for each node type you are using called field_image.
Imagecache, with two presets: blog (scale and crop: 500x333) and avatar (scaled and crop: 48x48)
Some image manipulation skills to modify the site logo to suit your site.

Currently the theme has support for:
Admin pages

Most areas should work fine out of the box, but the above have been tested. Any requests for additional theming will be considered.

The theme is developed by Simon at Design while we sleep and I can be contacted for majorly extending this theme or other Drupal design or development.

There is a demo too.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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