Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme
Business theme is a responsive Zymphonies theme. This theme is not dependent on any core theme. It is very light weight with modern look and feel. Read more
- HTML5 & super clean markup
- Multi-level drop-down menu
- 1 column, 2 column and 3 columns layouts
- Total of 16 + regions
- Drupal standards compliant
- Nivo slider, views modules styles
- Minimal design and nice typography
- Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, Vimeo)
Nivo Slider (Banner)
Nivo Slider Installation Tutorial
Most installed Zymphonies theme
- Drupal 8
- Drupal 7
Contact Zymphonies
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- Free theme customization & additional features
- Drupal custom theme development
- Drupal website design & development
- Drupal website migration
Sponsored by Zymphonies