
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Clean and simple Fusion subtheme.

Fusion is a powerful base theme, with layout and style configuration options built in that you can control through Drupal's UI. It's based on a simplified 960px or fluid 12/16-column grid with options for responsive layouts for mobile devices.

Cea Fusion improve some extra features.


  • Provide metatags
  • Social area with links to rss, Facebook and Twitter
  • Provide QR code for page
  • Provide not display option for name of author in submitted info


Provide some metatags: author name, title, summary, language...
If you share a post in Facebook select the image field, if exists, if not link directly the logo of site.

Social area

Customizable links set with links to facebook page, twitter profile and rss link.
You can leave blank the id field in config theme, so the link is not displayed.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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