If you want to use this module, your options are:
- Choose another, actively maintained module instead
- File an issue in the queue with a patch to fix the module and then contact the security team to have your version reviewed and the project handed over to you following the unsupported project process.
- Hire someone to fix the security bug so the module can be re-published and supported (Consider hiring companies listed in the Marketplace)
What is Cog?
Cog is a developer-focused base theme and starterkit created by Acquia's Professional Service Front-end Team. It is intended as a minimalistic baseline for custom theming, while exposing common tools and workflows. Cog provides a small amount of code to get started, but is still packed with utilities to extend.
- Responsive containers built on Susy grid system
- Initial SMACSS file architecture
- Common Twig files and theme dependencies
- Base preprocess functions for class definitions
- Modular gulp tasks for compiling and linting
- Living style guide construction via KSS-node
Let's get started!
The Cog documentation you seek is located here. This documentation will cover installation steps and a theme overview to provide insight into internal methodologies.
Got Questions?
Be sure to visit our about document for high-level insight into topics including "Background of Cog" and "Comparing Cog to frameworks"?
Theming Guide
We have included a wide collection of snippets and resources in Cog in the format of a theming guide. These code samples are referenced by common topics and technical methodologies.
License, support, and contribution
Cog is provided as an open source tool in the hope that it will enabled
developers to easily generate new Drupal projects that conform to Acquia
Professional Services' best practices.
Please feel free to contribute to the project or file issues via the GitHub
issue queue. When doing so, please keep the following points in mind:
- Cog is distributed under the GPLv2 license; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
- The project maintainers make no commitment to respond to support requests,
feature requests, or pull requests. - All contributions to Cog will be reviewed for compliance with Drupal Coding
Standards and best practices as defined by the project maintainer.
Cog work is currently being tracked in the cog GitHub issue queue and organized via a
Waffle.io Kanban Board.
When making a pull request related to an issue, use the keywords 'Connects to #123' in your commit message to automatically relate the PR to the issue on the kanban board.