
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Corporate blue theme is a super clean professional responsive theme built by Zyxware Technologies.This theme is based on the Bootstrap Responsive Framework.

Difference between D8 and D7 version

Please note that the D8 version and D7 version are quite different from each other and are not compatible. D8 version of Corporate blue has been updated to give it a fresh feel from the D7 version.

7.x-2.0 branch with Bootsrap 3

A responsive version of 7.x-2.0 has been released. Please test and report bugs. The previous version of CB for D7 uses 960 grid and is not responsive.

Notes: How to enable slide show and blocks

Corporate Blue comes with a README file. Please make sure to cover the README immediately after installation.

Theme Demo

The demo is only for the D7 version of the theme based on the 960 grid system
You can see more information about the theme at the theme home page. You can also see a demo of the theme.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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