
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Cube is a clean admin theme for Drupal 7. It comes with several regions and layouts, a set of icons for admin pages provided by Drupal core and an aggressive styling to reduce visual noise wherever possible.


You must install the Tao & Rubik base themes to operate properly.

For having sidebar columns you will need to use Conext Layouts.


  • Has Fixed/Fluid page widths.
  • Works good with Drupal 7 Overlay.
  • Works good with Conext Layouts
  • Integrates with DesignKit

Drupal 6

Cube on Drupal 6 is not going to be supported here in the mean time. You can find it within Rubik package for Drupal 6.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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