Emulsify is an open-source tool for creating design systems with reusable components and clear guidelines for teams. Emulsify helps organizations scale their design while reducing cost, streamlining workflows, and improving accessibility.
Emulsify Drupal Starter
Emulsify Drupal is a Starter (in Emulsify terms) which provides a Storybook component library, a Webpack development environment, and a Drupal 8 theme.
You SHOULD NOT install this directly into a project through Composer, or other means. Please follow the installation docs instead.
Full docs can be found at https://docs.emulsify.info. If you find an issue, or missing docs, you can create a PR against the documentation repo.
Code of Conduct
The project maintainers have adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.
Contribution Guide
Please also follow the issue template and pull request templates provided. See below for the correct places to post issues: