Entrainment - Fluid Grid Layout

Entrainment theme is an expanding-multicolumn-fixed grid layout. It started as a simple proof of concept as a way to distribute blocks across the page in a strict grid and is expanding to become a complete theme. Entrainment theme is most suited for video, music, and photography sites but can be adapted to work with any drupal site.

Im currently looking for a programmer partner to help engineer this theme with me and possibly to help maintain it with me. As a UI designer, my focus is on usability and design solutions. What Im hoping to find is a talented programmer who understands the drupal coding conventions specifically related to video and can help me do the things that really make this theme great theme for media enabled sites.

We've made some nice strides in creating the floating grid. Check it out!

Proof of concept lives here at the moment.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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