FlexiStyle is a pure CSS-based Drupal base theme. It is a dynamic and modern custom theme designed specifically for Drupal. Its theme completely overwrites standard root twig templates. This theme is based on custom and flex box-based CSS. This theme seamlessly integrates aesthetics with functionality, offering a visually striking and user-friendly.
- Download the flexi_style theme from drupal.org manually, or by composer
composer require drupal/flexi_style
. - Install the FlexiStyle theme.
- Configure the defined theme settings.
- User-defined column widths
- Container and container-fluid (full width) layout.
- Flexbox CSS property for the layout and structure.
- Easy to customize twig templates.
- Body classes for entities, users, and roles
- Custom styling editor (`Custom CSS`) from UI.
- Variable file to change the theme color and other components UI.
- Subtheme overrides and replaces every CSS from Drupal.
- Override common and recommended twig templates and pre-process functions.
- Theme-settings file for managing the setting of the theme.
- This theme is based on atomic design patterns and classes.
- The theme follows the components-based twig and CSS.
- Mathematical functions in the CSS to manage the color and sizes.
- Lightweight.
- Breakpoints.
- Fully responsive and mobile-friendly.
- Cross-browser-compatible.
- Progressive Web Apps (PWA) capability support.
- 403 access denied and 404 page not found pages designed accordingly.
- Mantainence page design capability.
- Custom scrollbar
- Flexibility to change the sitewide theme color from variable.css.
- Dismissable alert messages.
- Use predefined classes for the perfect UI.
- The performance score is 90+.
- Attach libraries based on the components.
Create subtheme:
- You can create a subtheme through a shell script.
- Install the FlexiStyle theme with the composer
composer require 'drupal/flexi_style'
but don't enable it. - Go to the theme folder from shell or command prompt:
cd themes/contrib/flexi_style
. - Run this command from the shell "Make script executable":
chmod +x scripts/subtheme.sh
. - Run this command from the shell to launch the script:
sh scripts/subtheme.sh
. - That script will ask the questions for you to create your subtheme.
- Type machine_name of the theme: my_theme
- Type Name of the theme: My Theme
- Go to the administration -> Appearance and enable the My Theme.