Genesis is an standards compliant, accessible and semantically rich starter theme for Drupal. Genesis is designed to be simple, yet powerful, flexible and easy to get started with.
New! The 7.x-2.x branch is HTML5 and ready for testing now.
Genesis is easy to theme yet extremely flexible, giving you endless theming possibilities. Genesis makes building a standards compliant accessible theme easier than starting from scratch.
Key Features
- Standards compliant
- Modular CSS
- Flexible layout options
- Built in support for theming site sections
- Gpanels - multi-column, fluid grid micro-panels
- Content source ordered for SEO
- No complex logic in templates
- Advanced dynamic CSS classes
- Conditional Styles module included
Accessibility Features
- Skip to main content link
- WAI ARIA roles and other accessibility features
Validation and Accessibility
Gensis validates XHTML Strict (D6), HTML5 (D7), CSS3 and is WCAG AA and WAVE compliant.
Included Starter Subthemes
The Drupal 7 version includes a starter subtheme and the dark subtheme has been removed - instead this becomes a simple stylesheet that you can enable in your subtheme.
The Drupal 6 version includes several subthemes including an ultra-lightweight theme and a dark styled subtheme.
Genesis Concept
Genesis employs the top-down approach. The idea is to start with too much, add even more, and then prune what you don't need. This is similar to Views, CCK, Panels and many other Drupal projects—ultimately this approach offers endless theme potential without compromise. Firebug will speed up your development process and help you understand how the CSS works and how you can modify it. The Genesis modular stylesheets include many CSS selectors—these show up in Firebug where you can quickly add properties and prototype styles.
User Feedback...
We just want to let you know that our team is impressed with your clean, standard-compliant and flexible Genesis theme. We started with Zen, but when we developed for government agencies where W3C's HTML and accessibility standards are important, your Genesis theme meets the government requirements much better than Zen. We hope you will continue the development of Genesis for Drupal 7 and continue to set high standards.
...thank you for your incredible update for your Genesis theme. Its less complicated to modify it to my needs than other starterkits...ref
Sites seen using Genesis (7.x-2.x HTML5)
#D7AX/#DAX - I pledge to make this theme as accessible as it can be. If you find any flaws, please submit an issue. Help me fix them if you can.
Genesis is built and maintained by AdaptiveThemes - Premium Themes for Drupal.