Gin Admin Theme


Gin Node EditGin Node Edit (Darkmode)

A radically new UI layout paired with goodies like a Darkmode will give your Drupal's Admin interface a facelift. The Gin theme also includes things which are currently out of scope for Claro and/or some customisations we're experimenting with for the future. Built on the foundation of Claro from one of the lead designers of Claro & Drupal Design System.


The 8.x-3.x requires Drupal 8.9+. This branch is actively maintained.
This uses the new "Future UI".

Older Versions
8.x-3.x-alpha37 is the last release to support Drupal 8.8.
8.x-2.x requires Drupal 8.8+
8.x-1.x requires Claro installed as a contrib module. (Drupal < 8.8)


  1. composer require 'drupal/gin:^3.0'
  2. Enable the Theme in the backend /admin/appearance
  3. Set it as default Administration theme

⚠️ Unable to install / Unable to update

This might be related to your minimum-stability setting in composer.
Solution: composer require drupal/gin_toolbar:^1.0@beta drupal/gin:^3.0@beta


A demo can be found over at


Gin's Settings can be found at /admin/appearance/settings/gin


  • ? Darkmode
  • Accent colors (? Blue, ? Orange, ? Green, ? Red, ? Purple etc.)
  • Use your own custom Accent color
  • Ability to change the focus color
  • Choose from 3 different Toolbars (Sidebar, Minimal, Legacy)
  • User overrides
  • Support for custom CSS overrides (see "Notes" section)
  • Custom Logo support (e.g. Brand/Client)
  • High contrast mode (Experimental)
Gin Content ViewGin Content View

Related Modules

For a better experience you can also use the following related modules:

Gin Toolbar

Gin Toolbar

Is needed to enable the toolbar also for the Frontend (when logged into Drupal Admin) and for a consistent UX using the legacy toolbar (for which gin includes styling improvements)

Gin Login

Gin Login

For a simple but elegant Drupal Login screen (with Darkmode support)

Gin Dashboard

Gin Dashboard

Concept work ongoing for a Dashboard

Gin Layout Builder

Gin Layout Builder

This module brings the gin admin theme to the layout builder.

Gin Gutenberg

Gin Gutenberg

An integration between Gin theme and Gutenberg Editor to fix/improve the UI


This theme works best together with:

Known Issues

⚠️ Icons missing

Icons in the navigation and/or throughout the UI are missing.

Solution: Change AdvAgg CSS Minification from YUI to Core.
See also #3213732: Remove YUI Compressor

⚠️ Unable to install / Unable to update

This might be related to your minimum-stability setting in composer.

Solution: composer require drupal/gin_toolbar:^1.0@beta drupal/gin:^3.0@beta
See also #3263669-2: unable to upgrade to latest alpha version with composer


Custom CSS

Add a file called gin-custom.css to your public files folder for simple CSS adjustments.

Frontend Toolbar offsets

Use the following CSS3 variables to automatically set the offsets (works with all toolbar variants):

.fixed-header {
    position: fixed;
    top: var(--ginHorizontalToolbarOffset, 0);
    left: var(--ginVerticalToolbarOffset, 0);
    width: calc(100% - var(--ginVerticalToolbarOffset, 0px));

? Get project updates

To get insights about Gin, recent changes and what's coming next:

Follow @saschaeggi on Twitter

Help secure the development of Gin ???

This theme is being developed in spare time. While the goal is not to make money from it, it does help to take days off from work to focus on working on it. You can sponsor starting at $1. Thanks to all sponsors who support this project financially ?.

Github Sponsors Open Collective

Sponsoring Organisations

Factorial Srijan Open Social 1xInternet Thunder Unic AG Adicto GmbH

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