
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

LiteJazz is a GPL theme by RoopleTheme. It features 3 color styles, 12 fully collapsible regions, suckerfish menus, fluid or fixed widths, easy configuration, and more. To see LiteJazz in action, visit the LiteJazz demo site.

LiteJazz 2.x is completely revised, it is now fully compatible with Drupal7.

some things has been changed and improved. The 2.x version is vor Drupal 7 and W3C XHTML-RDFa valide.
The fetures of 2.x are the same as in version 1.8.

for use the Custom Block Theme Templats you need Block Theme module

Important for Drupal6 Users!

I have changed the sidebars and footer regions to Drupal 6 defaults!

If you change LiteJazz form Version 6.x-1.7 to 6.x-1.8 then you have to reconfigure your sidebars and footer regions.

LiteJazz Version 1.7 is largely a ground-up rewrite of the theme.
Numerous things have been added, changed, or fixed. Here's a summary of the major changes:

  • Drupal 6 Compatibility: LiteJazz 1.7 is now available for Drupal versions 5.x and 6.x.
  • Pure CSS Tableless Design: LiteJazz has been re-designed to use pure CSS for layout.
  • CSS and XHTML Valid: LiteJazz 1.7 validates to XHTML and CSS specifications according to the W3C web standards.
  • Custom Block Theme Templates: LiteJazz 1.7 includes custom block templates for use with the Block Theme module.
  • Suckerfish Menus: LiteJazz 1.7 has built-in support for drop-down suckerfish menus.
  • Themed Logo: LiteJazz 1.7 supports separate logos for each available color style.
  • Selectible Font Faimly: LiteJazz 1.7 allows you to select from several pre-defined Font Families, or to specify a custom Font Family.
  • Local Content CSS File: LiteJazz 1.7 allows you to specify a CSS file local to your Drupal installation that will be included in the generated pages.
  • Configurable Sidebar Width: LiteJazz 1.7 allows you to specify separate widths for each sidebar.
  • Configurable Logo Size: LiteJazz 1.7 allows you to specify the logo image size for compatibility with the IE PNG fix.IE PNG FIX ist Only Aviable in D6 Version
  • New Color Style: Tapestry 1.7 includes a new Green color scheme, thanks to RoopleForum legend Velocity.
  • Additional Module Support: LiteJazz for Drupal 5 includes built-in support for the Advanced Forum, Advanced Profile, and Node Title modules.
  • New Handbook: Complete instructions for installing and using LiteJazz 1.7 are available in the new LiteJazz Handbook.
  • Improved Support for Header and Footer Regions: LiteJazz 1.7 has improved support for publishing blocks to the header and footer regions, including appropriate text sizes and colors.
  • Improved Text Display: In addition to the new font family support, LiteJazz 1.7 provides improved line spacing for both Headings and Body elements. The use of the bold attribute has been reduced in many areas.


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