This project is the D7 version of Bartik with a responsive, mobile-first layout.
It is derived from this issue: #1192044: Convert Bartik's layout to mobile-first and responsive; which is the D8 version.
This project uses Drupal 8 Bartik Theming guide provided here Bartik theme.
In addition to the changes made to the D8 version, this version will also include the following features:
- HTML5 markup
- WAI-ARIA accessibility roles added to primary elements
- Html5shiv, Respond.js, Selectivizr.js for IE versions 7 & 8
- Collapsible menu on small screen sizes
- Collapsible tabs on small screen (look #2834211: Responsive Tabs same as D8 Bartik for details)
Authors, maintainers
This theme is maintained by Gaurav Mahlawat
Responsive Bartik D7 was originally written by mjohnq3 and abarpetia
#D7AX - I pledge to make this theme as accessible as it can be. If you find any flaws, please submit an issue. Help me fix them if you can.