Responsive Skeleton

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Responsive Skeleton is a responsive and mobile friendly base theme, based on the Skeleton boilerplate.

The goals of this theme are:

  • Responsive
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Grid layout
  • Light weight
  • Easy to extend and subtheme
  • SEO friendly
  • Remain consistent and track closely with the Skeleton system

Development of Responsive Skeleton will closely follow the Skeleton boilerplate with the addition of Drupal specific enhancements and coding standards. The goal is that the Responsive Skeleton theme is the theme to use for people who want to use the Skeleton boilerplate in Drupal.

When using this theme, as with any base theme, it is best to create a sub theme for your customisations.

Many thanks to Dave Gamache for developing the original Skeleton boilerplate.

Related projects

The following projects are also based on the Skeleton boilerplate:

Both projects seem to have gone beyond what the Skeleton boilerpate itself provides. If you want Skeleton with extra stuff, check them out. They are different to this theme, because the goal here is for a port that matches Skeleton boilerplate as closely as possible, while adhering to the Drupal coding standards.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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