
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme


The very first idea is to have a theme that removed Drupal's unnecessary markup, focus on Mobile First.

Sonambulo is a base theme for Drupal 6, with clean markup & CSS, simple and lightweight. Less divitis, more fun, and say yes to HTML5 on Drupal 6!!

Like other blank canvas base themes, this theme will NOT make your site look sexy, but Sonambulo will help you clean up the excessive markup that Drupal provides out of the box.

Sonambulo’s default layout is a mobile first, responsive layout with a fluid grid system, based on 960px. Sonambulo is responsive - if you add the basic layout css and create your own breakpoints. ;)

Intended audience

Themers who doesn't like the markup & CSS options that Drupal provides out of the box.

Similar themes

Omega and Boron (HTML5 base theme), but this thems have too many settings and options, so you have to learn first how the theme works. Sonambulo is useful for when you want to have a started theme with just the necessary tpl’s and code, clean and simple, focus on Mobile first.


  • No complex css overriding.
  • HTML5's structural elements
  • Use of ARIA roles
  • Include html5shiv.j to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer.
  • Include normalize.css,providing a stylesheet that replaces the need for a reset stylesheet. Nicolas Gallagher wrote a blog post explaining the details in About normalize.css.
  • All menus are wrapped in a <nav> - HTML5-style - instead of the <div>.
  • Relative em font sizes.
  • Rewrite views-view-grid.tpl.php, divs instead of table elements.

HTML5 References

Why use Sonambulo?

  • Is simple and lightweight, no extra code.
  • Out of the box HTML5's structural elements
  • DRY approach, i.e, fix accessibility faux pas like #skip-link {display: none;}
  • No unnecesarry settings.
  • Content first layout.

Recommended modules

  • Style Stripper - Style Stripper lets you turn off CSS from modules, including Drupal core.
  • Style Guide - Install Style Guide module to preview for common HTML elements.
  • Semantic Views - Clean and semantic Views.
  • Semantic CCK - customizing the HTML output of CCK fields.
  • HTML5 Tools - provide support for HTML5 markup in a set of Tools.


  • Better documentation
  • Better CSS classes to Blocks
  • Include forms CSS framework


This project is sponsored by Estudio Manatí.


Sonambulo theme is maintained by Jose Leiva, MaxMendez and Alberto Rojas.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

We also build custom Drupal themes


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