Stanley Administration Theme

Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Development of the original Stanley admin theme has stopped. All efforts are now focussed on version 2. This new version does not use Twitter Bootstrap, nor does it use a base theme. The goal is to embrace the Drupal code to create a clean drop-in replacement for the core admin theme with a pleasant backend experience for everyone. Inspiration will be drawn from Bootstrap as well as other frameworks and popular online applications.

Development on version 2 is coming along nicely and the theme is becoming pretty usable, especially if you are doing low level content management. There are still a few issue with core Drupal which I would like to iron out. Once this is done Stanley 2 will move to beta and support for version 1 will be dropped.

So just as a fair warning, those looking for a full bootstrap implementation as an admin theme might want to look elsewhere. There are several projects focussed on introducing Twitter Bootstrap into Drupal (Twitter Bootstrap Theme).

2.x (second screenshot)

This version of Stanley has no specific requirements, although it is in early development stages
so things might not work as expected.

The theme is being developed with SASS and the following add-ons:

  • Compass (for css snippets)
  • Susy (for grids)
  • Sassy buttons (for buttons)

If you would like to contribute, make sure your patch includes proper SASS + CSS changes.

1.x (first screenshot)

Stanley is an admin theme inspired by Rubik and is based on the Twitter Bootstrap UI kit. It was specifically designed to be used with the Admin module. As Rubik, it also uses Tao as it's base theme.

The goal of this theme is to provide a unified backend experience. If this means we have to do a handful of overrides for a various range of modules, then that is what we will do. We managed to tackle a couple of the more famous modules and UI elements, but there is still enough work to be done.

The following is a selection of modules fine-tuned by Stanley:

Some minor adjustments have been made to make overlays have an acceptable behavior, but it hasn’t been fully tested. I’m also pretty sure the core toolbar module won’t play nice. Other untested core modules include dashboard and shortcut.


The current version (1.x) of Stanley was developed with Bootstrap v1.4.0.

Now that Bootstrap v2 is available I will start investigating the options of moving forward on that. I first want to have a look at alternatives to Tao as a base theme.


Install as you would any other theme (well, except for the bootstrap part):


  1. Download Tao and put it in your desired theme folder
  2. Download Stanley and put it in the same folder, right next to Tao
  3. Download the Bootstrap library v1, make sure the resulting folder is named “bootstrap” (Direct download)
  4. Put the bootstrap folder inside the stanley theme folder, the bootstrap.min.css and the js folder should be in [path the themes]/stanley/bootstrap

  5. (Optional) delete the docs, examples and lib folders from the bootstrap folder

  6. In your Drupal site, go to appearance. Enable Stanley as your admin theme at the bottom of the page.

Drush Make

projects[stanley][version] = 1
libraries[bootstrap][download][type] = get
libraries[bootstrap][download][url] =
libraries[bootstrap][directory_name] = bootstrap
libraries[bootstrap][destination] = themes/stanley


Developed and maintained by Stijn De Meyere, a Drupal freelancer ( Many thank to Nascom ( for providing additional hours on Stanley v2.


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