Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme
Although it's not required, this theme is made with the assumption that the site will be using Commerce. This theme will give a nice, clean design to a Commerce Kickstart installation out of the box. (version 1 out of the box, version 2 requires some updates)
Most of the inspiration for this theme is coming from Adaptive Theme, Bartik, and Omega.
Features include:
- Commerce-specific template files (cart block, review pane, product-node)
- 960 proportioned fluid grid with ability to set fixed with (960 fixed width = 960 grid).
- Responsive techniques using media queries.
- Cleaning up of form elements specific to product attributes, add-to-cart links, and checkout layouts.
- Cleaning up checkout panes for a better experience and more themer control.
- Theme settings for setting colors, layout options, site framing, and home grids.
Future plans:
- Make version compatible to Commerce Kickstart 2
- Document an update steps from Commerce Kickstart V2 to get storefront to work well with the updated installation.