Tapestry is a theme for Drupal versions 5, 6 and (new)7, Drupal 5 and 6 version was created by RoopleTheme. Tapestry provides Drupal users with many advanced features including:
- 20 Different Color Styles
- 30 User Regions
- Custom Block Theme Templates
- Suckerfish Menus
- Icon Support
- Advanced Page Layout Options
- Simple Configuration
- Custom Typography
- IE PNG Fix (only Drupal 6 Version)
Tapestry 2.x is completely revised, it is now fully compatible with Drupal7.
some things has been changed and improved.
- removed the icons which are released under Creative Commons
- added "GNU" icons
- removed icons-ie6.css
for use the Custom Block Theme Templats you need Block Theme module
To view a live demo of Tapestry(D6), visit the Tapestry Demo Site. Complete instructions for installing and using Tapestry can be found in the Tapestry Handbook.
Tapestry's tableless CSS design validates to XHTML and CSS specifications according to the W3C web standards. Tapestry is fast-loading and compatible with most modern browsers including FireFox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera. Most of Tapestry's advanced features will work even in older browsers like IE6.
We've validated many Tapestry pages with the Accessibility Valet, and we believe that Tapestry generates markup that is generally in compliance with Section 508 web accessibility guidelines.
Tapestry is designed to take particular advantage of two Drupal contributed modules. Using the Theme Settings API Module(only Drupal5), Tapestry provides a simple interface for managing it's many features and options. And Tapestry provides a large collection of custom block themes for use with the Block Theme module.
for Drupal 6 or older version only
You can also download Tapestry from the Tapestry Project Page on Drupal.org but with out icons. However, drupal.org rules prevent us from including the Tapestry icons (which are released under Creative Commons) in this distribution.
Tapestry is available for download on the Tapestry Demo Site Download Page(only for Drupal version 5 and 6).