
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Teleco is an advanced theme developed by FIGOVER for their Drupal distribution. It contains the same kinds of features you'll find in our other Drupal themes.

* 1, or 2 column layout
* Selectable fluid or fixed width layouts and font stacks
* 7 collapsible block regions
* Drop-down primary links menu
* Selectable fluid or fixed width layouts and font stacks
* Cross-browser tested in IE6/7/8, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome and Firefox
* Responsive Theme in all mobile devices and Apple Devices as well as in Laptop and PC
* Slider is coming on Header with jQuery

It is documentation link of Teleco Theme

Drupal 7 Demo link
Drupal 6 Demo link


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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