Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme
This theme is succeeded by
Tundra is a base theme extender. The Tundra base theme extends Arctica with jQuery/CSS features and theme settings.
- Sooper FontKit. Integrates your theme with custom webfonts. With a combination of Google fonts and locally stored free webfonts you can choose from 569 fonts!
- Sooper SlideshowKit. Responsive jQuery cycle based sliders. Now includes Flexslider as well!
- Sooper DropdownKit. Animated SooperFish dropdown menus
- Sooper BackgroundKit: Extends the Arctica configurator with options to set full-screen backgrounds, CSS3 background gradients, textured backgrounds etc.
- Color module integration
- Arctica base theme
Contrib themes using Tundra
Premium themes using Tundra
Tundra 1.3
- Live preview JS API for Arctica Configurator.
Integrate FlexSlider
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