Web Experience Toolkit: Omega

Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

WetKit Omega 4.x is a modern, [Sass](http://sass-lang.com/) and [Compass](http://compass-style.org/) enabled Drupal 7 theme powered by the Omega base theme.

Omega Key Features

  • Backports many of the standards described in the Drupal 8 CSS Standards
  • Provides layouts as a method of managing page templates along with layout specific stylesheets and regions.
  • Extensions which contain settings for many popular libraries and tools to manage Drupals Javascript and CSS assets.
  • Extension which provides tools for disabling caching, a region demo mode, a browser width indicator, optional integration for LiveReload and more.
  • Omega 4.x contains a rewrite (cleanup) of all of core’s CSS and many optimizations to the markup generated by core.
  • Omega 4.x allows you to manage your template file in separate directories, with an .inc file for each.
  • Omega 4.x provides extensive Drush integration out of the box allowing you to quickly generate subthemes with drush omega-wizard etc.

This module is part of the Web Experience Toolkit Distribution which requires several modules and libraries. See the WetKit project page for more information and file all issues in the main issue queue.


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