web110 is a clean simple and lightweight theme developed by Thomas Lattimore for Drupal 7 (tested in alpha 1 release). It complies to W3C's standards for XHTML + RDFa and CSS level 2.1. The theme is a two column, fixed width, 960px wide, tableLESS layout that is great for a simple blog or personal site. This theme is excellent "right out of the box", and also is simple enough that it could be built upon with great ease.
web110 has the following features:
-Clean and lightweight, just a page.tpl, .info, a style.css, and a 507byte .jpeg.
-Six regions, header, main menu, content, sidebar, footer left, and footer right.
-CSS based drop down menu
-Compatible with ie7+, FF3+, Safari3+, and Chrome.
-Minimal markup, a great theme to build upon