Zen Midnight

This theme should be considered deprecated. Please use the Zenophile Midnight module included with the 2.0 branch of the Zenophile module instead, as it is more up to date.

At midnight, your type of party is already over. But my type of party is just getting started.

This is a Zen subtheme designed to be used as a starter theme for themes with a dark (light-on-dark) color scheme. The standard Zen Themer’s Starter Kit theme is a great starter theme, but its images and colors assume you will be building a light-colored site; if you try to use dark-colored backgrounds and light-colored text, things get ugly quickly. Zen Midnight is identical to the Starter Kit theme, but with all shades of gray inverted and all other colors darkened in the CSS and images. The result is a starter theme better to be the basis of a light-on-dark theme.

Use it with Zenophile to get a great light-on-dark theme started quickly! Just select Zen Midnight as the starter theme when using Zenophile.

Zen Midnight is a work of progress. The current goal of Zen Midnight is to darken the colors of all core system and module output. Many common contributed modules such as Views (particularly the View editing page) and Ubercart format their output for dark-on-light color schemes; this output will still clash with Zen Midnight at present and will need to be addressed in your own CSS files. Eventually, Zen Midnight should include optional "mix-in" stylesheets to darken the output of common contributed modules.


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