Charity Zymphones Theme is perfectly designed for charity, nonprofit, non-governmental organization (NGO), donation and fund-raising campaign with outstanding features. This theme has all necessary features for a Charity site and it has fully responsive mobile-first layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions desktop screens, tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. Read more
- Drupal 8 core
- Bootstrap v4
- Mobile-first theme
- Client list
- Social media links
- Included Sass & Compass source file
- Well organized Sass code
- Custom slider - Unlimited image upload
- Home page layouts
- 4 column news layout
- 4 column updates layout
- 4 column bottom layout
- 4 column footer layout
Most installed Zymphonies theme
- Drupal 8
- Drupal 7
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- Drupal custom theme development
- Drupal website design & development
- Drupal website migration
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