This theme is no longer being supported. Please consider using GOV.UK Theme instead.
This theme integrates Drupal with the GOV.UK Design System.
The GOV.UK Design System is set of styles, components and patterns that allow GOV.UK services to remain consistent, and reuse research and work that's already done.
The Design System contains the GDS Frontend toolkit, which is a set of templates, sass, and javascript files. This Drupal theme integrates them into your Drupal project, by copying the template files (originally written in Nunjucks) into Twig and applying them to common Drupal components (where applicable).
You can use this as a base theme, if you need to make your own adjustments (like you would with any sub theme).
The SASS and Javascript can be compiled using the included gulpfile, or by running npm run build
The JS and CSS also comes pre-compiled and packaged as part of this project, for users who do not wish to do run the gulp tasks themselves. This means the theme is ready to demo.
This theme should be used in conjunction with the GOV.UK Inline Form Errors module.