Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme
Parallax zymphonies theme is single page responsive theme. This theme suits for any type of personal website, corporate, business, marketing etc. This theme is completely free and contributed by Zymphonies team. Read more
- One-page theme
- Parallax scroll animation
- Responsive drupal theme
- Font awesome icons
- Home page single col layout
- One, two and three col layout
- Post comment and reply styles
- Four col footer links in all pages
- Ajax contact form (submit contact form without page refresh)
- Social media links (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube)
Nivo Slider (Banner)
Nivo Slider Installation Tutorial
Most installed Zymphonies theme
- Drupal 8
- Drupal 7
Contact Zymphonies
Have Queries? Click here to contact Zymphonies
- Free theme customization & additional features
- Drupal custom theme development
- Drupal website design & development
- Drupal website migration
Sponsored by Zymphonies