Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme
Prius is a Drupal 8 only theme which is packed with the following :
- SASS because writing plain CSS is just a pain.
- SMACS to better organise your stylesheet and make their maintenance easier.
- Suzy in its second release to build a powerful grid system.
- Breakpoint media queries for your responsive design.
- Compass vertical rhythm typography.
- SyntaxHighlighter for the code syntax highlighting.
- Some Google Fonts.
- Font Awesome Icons.
You can use it as a base theme or a starter kit.
You can read our blog entry Build a Drupal 8 theme or test it online.
The development of this theme is sponsored by MariqueCalcus.
Need some help?
Feel free to contact us.
Happy Drupal 8!