Zoundation is a base theme that integrates Foundation, responsive front-end framework authored by Zurb.
This HTML5 responsive theme is built to support any device with any resolution and is built using a 12-column flexible grid.
The Zoundation theme allows a user to choose two types of navigation bars: topbar and nav-bar.
Out of the box, a user can add menu blocks and search block to the top bar. If the Main Menu setting is turned on on the Appearance page, the main menu will show up in the nav-bar.
Learn More about these styles: http://foundation.zurb.com/old-docs/f3/navigation.php
Foundation provides many reusable UI elements such as button styles, form styles, tabs styles, alerts, accordion panels, inline lists and table styles.
For a complete listing of components, view the Foundation Docs.
We have also built the Zoundation Support module. This module provides Orbit responsive image slider integration, custom built menu blocks for topbar and nav-bar, placeholder elements and a few minor UI fixes difficult to do from the theme.
Zoundation theme requires jQuery 1.7 thus requires the jQuery Update module to be installed and enabled.