
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Drupal theme making heavy use of Twitter bootstrap (github).

Twitter Bootstrap Theme vs Ded Theme

Twitter Bootstrap Project uses less. The PHP less compiler has issues that the less javascript / nodejs compiler doesn't have, creating inconsistent styles. Less inheritance is clunky, nested styles are not inherited. This means using semantic markup is out of the question. This makes it impossible to style Drupal using twitter without lots of theme overrides, which could mess up styles provided by 3rd party modules as the classes will be different.

Ded Theme uses sass to generate styles, this gives better inheritance, and makes integrating Bootstrap into Drupal painless. This theme also gives a smaller CSS footprint as there is no need to include all the bootstrap files, only the ones needed. Semantic markup, you don't have to sprinkle twitter classes in your code, simply use standard Drupal classes. Ded theme uses Drupal's built-in classes and styles them using twitter bootstrap css.

Creating a Subtheme


Altering the Styles

I recommend you use Compass to modify the themes.

You'll need to install Compass. I use rubygems for this.

gem install compass
gem install bootstrap-sass

Then cd into the ded theme folder and perform a compass watch. This will recompile the sass files everytime they are changed.

cd sites/all/themes/ded
compass watch

Modify files in sass folder.


Why is it called ded?
In homage of Dustin Diaz ( his twitter @ded)


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