Simple, professional¹, clean looking theme without the usual "Designed by..." credit links that you'd normally go in and delete anyway².
Theme has the standard block areas (header, footer, content, left sidebar, and right sidebar) with a professional³ color scheme and a contemporary-- well...... flavor.
Also, a few more things exist that make this theme different from others.
Aside from what's written above...
- It's the first theme† I've ever released for Drupal. Ever.
- Other stuff
And although it doesn't even come close to some of the other themes currently available for Drupal, its development was very much inspired by said themes, most notably those released by TopNotchThemes and RoopleTheme, to name a few.
Currently only available for Drupal 6.
¹ Hence the name...
² Please don't misunderstand me here... I absolutely believe in giving/receiving credit where credit is due and I encourage developers to include credit-giving link-backs to their work -- because it's their work. I also believe in doing nice things for people "just because."
³ See ¹
† Sorry... Forgot what I was going to say.