
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

LayoutStudio is the ultimate Drupal starter theme

Lightweight with the best SEO friendly and standards compliant code, LayoutStudio gets out of your way so you can quickly get back to the business of creating beautifully designed Drupal websites.

Watch our YouTube video or the project documentation for a full list of features.

Drupal 7

Official release for Drupal 7 is now available. Current roadmap includes developing full HTML 5 version.

LayoutStudio Extras

The companion module LayoutStudio Extras is now available. Among the highlights:

  • Automatic creation of sub-themes
  • Ability to change layout and layout dimensions by path pattern.
  • Drush support for creating sub-theme from command line.
  • Creation of copyright block with year spanning (ie. 2009-2011).
  • Creation of credit block.

Drupal 6

Upgrading from LayoutStudio 1.x theme to 2.x is not recommended . Due to the nature of Drupal themes, it is more productive to rebuild your theme.


LayoutStudio was originally developed by It has been used on hundreds of production sites and was created when no other development theme suited our particular needs.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

We also build custom Drupal themes


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