Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme
This is a re-implementation of the Interactive Media theme by Luka Cvrk. This is a tableless, multi-column, fluid width layout. Parts of the design are ported from Contented7 and Internet Services theme. This theme is part of the project PantaRei Siren.
(2011-07-25) This theme is now revamp as Zen subtheme ( You will need to install it with this theme as below:
- interactive_media 7.x-3.0=> zen 7.x-3.1
- interactive_media 6.x-2.0=> zen 6.x-2.1
- interactive_media 7.x-3.x-dev => zen 7.x-3.x-dev
- interactive_media 6.x-2.x-dev => zen 6.x-2.x-dev
A Quick Review
- 100% open source
- Validate with XHTML 1.0 and CSS2
- Fully tested with Acid2 compatible browsers, e.g. Firefox 4, IE 9, Chrome 11, Safari 5 and Opera 11
- Most likely function with legacy browsers, e.g. Firefox 2/3, IE 7/8, Chrome 9/10, Safari 3/4 and Opera 9/10
- Support multiple (i.e. 1/2/3) columns
- Support both fixed, fluid and liquid width layout
- Support 960 Grid System
- Minimum layout width depend on number of columns
- Support both LTR and RTL layout
- Support custom CSS file, so-called
- Support multiple block regions in Drupal 7.x style
- Fancy icons for meta data from spirit20-GPL
- Developed by Edison Wong
- Sponsored by PantaRei Design