Ultimate Slider Theme is Full-width top slider, gallery on the home page,
Background images set the tone and HTML plus JS animation spices up the layout.
Using this design as a basis of your web presence,
you can be sure that it will drive people in.
Ultimate Slider Theme is developed with all latest technologies Drupal 8 or 9,
Stable, Font Awesome and dark-awesome js etc.
* For a full description of the theme, visit the project page:
* To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:
* Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Theme
* In built Font Awesome
* Mobile support (Smartphone, Tablet, Android, iPhone, etc)
* A total of 8 block regions
* The main menu is rather minimalist. It is placed right below the slider.
* social media options are available in the footer for quick and convenient sharing.
This theme requires no modules outside of Drupal core.